Why Race


This event is hosted by the Navy Region Southwest Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Program. The event raises funds to support Quality of Life Programs for Navy personnel. MWR Quality of Life programs support the 500,000+ members of our San Diego Military Family. MWR provides healthy and affordable fitness and recreation opportunities at each of the five Navy bases in San Diego County.

MWR operates multiple gymnasiums and fitness centers, swimming pools and beaches, free movie theaters, bowling lanes, golf courses, discount ticket offices, marinas, gear rental centers, youth and teen recreation centers, child care centers, food and beverage facilities, and more. MWR is also the event planner for the military.

Beyond the Bridge Run, MWR produces fitness and sporting competitions, educational activities, military child appreciation event, on-going Community Recreation trips, leisure skill classes and recreation programs and seasonal celebrations such as our Spring Fling, Freedom Festival, Beach Bash and the Family Holiday Party. Thank you for supporting our Sailors and their families!


Navy Wounded Warrior

Navy Wounded Warrior coordinates the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill, and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, and provides resources and support to their families and caregivers. Regional non-medical care providers tailor support to each enrolled service member's recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration needs. The program allows service members and their families to focus on recovery without distraction. To date, more than 10,000 seriously wounded, ill, and injured service members located throughout the country received assistance from Navy Wounded Warrior. Sailors and Coast Guardsmen may self-refer to Navy Wounded Warrior, or be referred by a family member, their command leadership or their medical team.

Contact the Navy Wounded Warrior call center at 855-NAVY WWP / 855-628-9997, or email navywoundedwarrior.fct@navy.mil.

Supporting Sponsors